We have 5 Star Rating from the Chesterfield Borough Council licencing team, the highest rating possible.
Our Licence Number is 009
Please ask for Jenny
Broomhill Farm Broomhill Road Old Whittington Chesterfield S41 9EA
By Telephone please call 07399 463687 9:00 to 17:00 – 7 days a wek
You can email bookings@broomhillfarmkennelsandcattery.co.uk
To find us look for the blue Aristocat Luxury Cat Hotel signs at the bottom of our drive
As you come up the drive be sure to keep to the right hand fork and come up the hill into the top farm yard.
Look for our sign with a bell on and press for attention. Reception is in the Green Building in the car park and we’ll book you in and then settle your cat in straight away.
We do not share any of your data, we only use the details provided in connection with your pets booking and our services to you.
We are open Monday to Friday 10am to 4:30pm Saturday & Sunday 10:00am to 12:00pm then 2:00pm to 4:30pm
On arrival please press the bell on reception